Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Catching cats

We were unsure if it would be good to set the trap. The four o' clock sky was too dark, and thunder is threatening to bring what seems to be a downpour. If I cannot bear to think of the rat Tom getting drenched and cold for an evening, how much more the potential leopard cat capture? I made a decision. It hasn't rained yet; we can still go. We set out with the rat, some food and water for our poor live bait, the trap, some bamboo stakes that we will use to secure the trap to the ground, and an espading (a large cutting tool for harvesting cane).

We got to the area where we had planned to put the trap. Jeric went to level the soil. We secured the trap with the bamboo stakes; scattered more soil on the trap floor, and covered it with dried cane leaves. I reluctantly put Tom (short for Tomasa),  in the bait compartment, apologizing for what will be a long and cold night (hopefully, not wet too); and what may be the trauma of her murid life. I placed a rock before the treadle, hoping that the leopard cat has enough sense to step over it and place its foot on the treadle, triggering the door shut. We put more dried leaves around the trap, hoping that it looks as natural as cane rows go.

I took some photos of the trap after we finished setting it up. With one last apology to Tom we left. I hope it won't rain tonight. It's already half past 9 in the evening, still no rain.

Geri (short for Geronima), the quieter of the two rats, was unusually mobile this evening. She also kept on looking out; seemingly looking for someone. I talked to her, saying Tom's going back to the crate tomorrow. I didn't tell her that if we didn't get any cat tonight, it will be her turn to go out and be bait. I don't think she'll be able to take it.

We're going out tomorrow at 5:30 am. I am excited; worried about Tom though. I do feel sorry for her, and for Geri, who I'm sure is missing her friend and roommate.

Hopefully tomorrow...

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